St. Ann’s Pre-School

“Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven” – (Mathew 19:14)

The St. Ann’s pre-school is located in Jahanuma, in the old city of Hyderabad – Telangana. The dominant ethnic population in this vicinity are Muslims. Over here, SAL has established a tailoring training centre for mothers as tailoring is considered an important skill for Muslims. Both the tailoring centre and the pre-school are housed in the same building with the tailoring centre being on the first floor and the pre-school on the ground floor. The pre-school has lower and upper kindergarten classes.

The mothers can drop of their children at pre-school and attend the tailoring courses. Even after they have left the centre (as tailoring is a short-term course), their children can continue until they have completed the two years of classes. The pre-school has an annual registered attendance of 100 children.